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Black Elk Speaks

December 23, 2009
Book of the Day: Black Elk Speaks, as told to John G. Neihardt
Grade: B
First published: 1932
1-word review: Smoke
6-word review: Traditions change, by force if necessary.

We become eyewitnesses to the subjugation of a culture, yet Black Elk speaks plainly. This is the way it is. Our traditions are strong, and we fight for them, but we've had to adapt. We hope to preserve our culture, yet we realize the uphill climb that we face.

This is a narrative told mostly in the voice of Black Elk, a Lakota holy man who is there for Little Bighorn and Wounded Knee, performs with Buffalo Bill, and dies in 1950. Neihardt admits to making slight changes to Black Elk's words, in order to make the narrative clearer, but he still manages to make the story feel authentic. It is heartbreaking and spiritual, in equal portions.

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